Spoken Language Laboratory
Research Overview
Most people know, or have stored in memory, approximately 20,000-30,000 words. If you have ever tried to look through 20,000 things for the one object you are looking for you know that it can take some time. Yet when we speak, or are spoken to, the words we are looking for seem to be found instantaneously.
In the Spoken Language Laboratory (SLL) we examine how information pertaining to words is stored in memory (e.g., alphabetically like a dictionary, in the order of how often a word is used, in groups of similar sounding words, etc.) and how the organization of those words in memory enables us to access that information so quickly and accurately. More precisely, we study the nature and organization of lexical representations and the processes used to retrieve information from the mental lexicon during speech production and speech perception (or spoken word recognition). We are currently using mathematical tools from the emerging field known as network science to measure the structure that exists among phonological word-forms in the mental lexicon, and employing conventional tasks from Psycholinguistics to examine how that global structure influences language-related processes (such as spoken word recognition and speech production). Furthermore, we are using computational models to assess the ability of current psycholinguistic theories to account for these effects. In a related line of research we use speech errors (like the tip of the tongue state) and auditory illusions (like the speech-to-song-illusion) to help us look at the language processing system in a slightly different way to help us better understand how it works (when it's not making mistakes or being fooled by an illusion).
To learn about our latest discoveries follow us on twitter: @mvitevit
Michael S. Vitevitch, Ph.D. mvitevit@ku.edu
ProfessorCurrent Graduate Students:
Currently accepting graduate students who have already earned a Master's degree (preferably in Psychology with good computational skills or in Computer Science with interest in language).
Graduate Student Alumni:
Jonna Armbruster (M.A., Cognitive Psychology)
Alex Donoso (M.A., Cognitive Psychology)
Eva Rodriguez (Ph.D., Linguistics)
Melissa Stamer (Ph.D., Education)
Kit Ying "Vivien" Chan (Ph.D., Cognitive Psychology)
Rudy Goldstein (Ph.D., Cognitive Psychology)
Cynthia S.Q. Siew (Ph.D., Cognitive Psychology)
Nichol Castro (Ph.D., Cognitive Psychology & Gerontology)
Links of Interest
See my Erdos number [Notice that I also have a (multiplex) Bacon number too!] :
Research Tools
Phonotactic Probability & Neighborhood Density Calculators Project Info
Phonotactic Probability Calculator Tool
Similarity Neighborhoods Calculator Tool
Speech Error Diary (SpEDi)--a mobile app to document speech errors and tip-of-the-tongue states from yourself or from others!Basic overview
Go to the paper describing how to use SpEDi
Go to SpEDi now!Interesting Links
Neurotree.org (trace your academic lineage)
Small-World of Words Word Association Study
Sigma Xi, the scientific research society
Feigenbaum Constant Day
The Psychology of Language Video Series
Vitevitch, M.S., Castro, N., Mullin, G.J. & Kulphongpatana, Z. (2023). The resilience of the phonological network may have implications for developmental and acquired disorders. Brain Sciences, 13(2), 188.
Citraro, S., Vitevitch, M.S., Stella, M. & Rossetti, G. (2023). Feature-rich multiplex lexical networks reveal mental strategies of early language learning. Scientific Reports, 13, 1474.
Castro, N. & Vitevitch, M.S. (2023). Using network science and psycholinguistic megastudies to examine the dimensions of phonological similarity [PDF]. Language & Speech, 66(1), 143-174.
Nguyen, T.A.S., Castro, N., Vitevitch, M.S., Harding, A., Teng R., Arciuli, J., Leyton C.E., Piguet, O. & Ballard, K.J. (2022). Do age and language impairment affect speed of recognition for words with high and low closeness centrality within the phonological network? International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology.
Stella, M., Vitevitch, M.S., Botta, F. (2022). Cognitive networks identify the content of English and Italian popular posts about COVID-19 vaccines: Anticipation, logistics, conspiracy and loss of trust. Big Data and Cognitive Computing, 6(2), 52.
Fujita, Y. & Vitevitch, M.S. (2022). Using network analyses to examine the extent to which and in what ways Psychology is multidisciplinary. Humanities & Social Sciences Communications, 9, 168.
Soehlke, L.E., Kamat, A., Castro, N. & Vitevitch, M.S. (2022). The influence of memory on the speech to song illusion. Memory & Cognition.
Vitevitch, M.S. (2022). What can network science tell us about phonology and language processing? topiCS in Cognitive Science, 14, 127-142.
Aljasser, F. & Vitevitch, M.S. (2022). A web-based interface to calculate phonological neighborhood density for words and non-words in Modern Standard Arabic. Behavior Research Methods, 54, 2740-2749.
Vitevitch, M.S. & Aljasser, F.M. (2021). Phonotactics in Spoken-Word Recognition. In The Handbook of Speech Perception (eds J.S. Pardo, L.C. Nygaard, R.E. Remez and D.B. Pisoni).
Vitevitch, M.S. & Mullin, G.J. (2021). What do cognitive networks do? Simulations of spoken word recognition using the cognitive network science approach. Brain Science, 11 (12), 1628
Vitevitch, M.S., Niehorster-Cook, L. & Niehorster-Cook, S. (2021). Exploring how phonotactic knowledge can be represented in cognitive networks. Big Data and Cognitive Computing, 5(4), 47.
Levy, O., Kenett, Y.N., Oxenberg, O., Castro, N., De Deyne, S., Vitevitch, M.S. & Havlin, S. (2021). Unveiling the nature of interaction between semantics and phonology in lexical access based on multilayer networks. Scientific Reports, 11, 14479.
Mullin, H.A.C., Norkey, E.A. Kodwani, A., Vitevitch, M.S. & Castro, N. (2021). Does age affect perception of the speech-to-song illusion? PLoS ONE, 16(4): e0250042.
McGuire, A.B., Ciersdorff, A.N., Gillath, O. & Vitevitch, M.S. (2021). Effects of cognitive load and type of object on visual looming bias. Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics.
Vitevitch, M.S., Ng. J.W., Hatley, E. & Castro, N. (2021). Phonological but not semantic influences on the speech-to-song illusion [PDF]. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 74, 585-597.
Siew, C.S.Q. & Vitevitch, M.S. (2020). Investigating the influence of inverse preferential attachment on network development. Entropy, 22, 1029-1042. [Open Access]
Siew, C.S.Q. & Vitevitch, M.S. (2020). An investigation of network growth principles in the phonological language network [PDF]. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 149, 2376-2394.
Vitevitch, M.S. (2019). Network Science in Cognitive Psychology. (Edited volume) Routledge.
Siew, C.S.Q. & Vitevitch, M.S. (2019). The phonographic language network: Using network science to investigate the phonological and orthographic similarity structure of language [PDF]. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 148, 475-500.
Siew, C.S.Q., McCartney, M.J. & Vitevitch, M.S. (2019). Using network science to understand statistics anxiety among college students [PDF]. Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Psychology, 5, 75-89.
Castro, N., Mendoza, J.M., Tampke, E.C. & Vitevitch, M.S. (2018). An Account of the Speech-to-Song Illusion Using Node Structure Theory. PLoS ONE, 13(6): e0198656. [Open Access] In the news
Ferrer-i-Cancho, R. & Vitevitch, M.S. (2018). The origins of Zipf's meaning-frequency law. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology. [Open Access]
Aljasser, F.M., Jackson, K.T., Vitevitch, M.S. & Sereno, J.A. (2018). The Influence of Phoneme Inventory on Elicited Speech Errors in Arabic speakers of English [PDF]. The Mental Lexicon, 13, 26-37.
Aljasser, F. & Vitevitch, M.S. (2018). A web-based interface to calculate phonotactic probability for words and nonwords in Modern Standard Arabic [PDF]. Behavior Research Methods, 50, 313-322.
Goldstein, R. & Vitevitch, M.S. (2017). The influence of closeness centrality on lexical processing. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 1683. [Open Access]
Castro, N., Pelczarski, K.M. & Vitevitch, M.S. (2017). Using network science measures to predict lexical decision performance of adults who stutter [PDF]. Journal of Speech, Language, and Hearing Research, 60, 1911-1918.
Siew, C.S.Q., Pelczarski, K.M., Yaruss, J.S. & Vitevitch, M.S. (2017). Using the OASES-A to illustrate how network analysis can be applied to understand the experience of stuttering [PDF]. Journal of Communication Disorders, 65, 1-9.
Vitevitch, M.S. & Siew, C.S.Q. (2017). Estimating group size from human speech: Three's a conversation, but four's a crowd [PDF]. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 70, 62-74.
Forbush, K.T., Siew, C.S.Q. & Vitevitch, M.S. (2016). Application of Network Analysis to Identify Interactive Systems of Eating Disorder Psychopathology [PDF]. Psychological Medicine, 46, 2667-2677.
Vitevitch, M.S. & Luce, P. (2016). Phonological neighborhood effects in spoken word perception and production [PDF]. Annual Review of Linguistics, 2, 75-94.
Vitevitch, M.S., Goldstein, R. & Johnson, E. (2016). Path-length and the misperception of speech: Insights from Network Science and Psycholinguistics [PDF]. In A. Mehler, P. Blanchard, B. Job, & S. Banish (eds.) Towards a Theoretical Framework for Analyzing Complex Linguistic Networks. Springer (Understanding Complex Systems series).
McGuire, A.B., Gillath, O. & Vitevitch, M.S. (2016). Effects of mental resource availability on looming task performance [PDF]. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics, 78, 107-113.
Siew, C.S.Q. & Vitevitch, M.S. (2016). Spoken word recognition and serial recall of words from components in the phonological network [PDF]. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 42, 394-410.
Vitevitch, M.S., Siew, C.S.Q., Castro, N., Goldstein, R., Gharst, J.A., Kumar, J.J., and Boos, E.B. (2015). Speech error and tip of the tongue diary for mobile devices. Frontiers in Psychology, 6:1190. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01190
[Open Access] Segment about speech errors in the The Psychology of Language Video Series In the news
Chan, K. Y. & Vitevitch, M.S. (2015). The influence of neighborhood density on the recognition of Spanish-accented words [PDF]. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 41, 69-85
Vitevitch, M.S. & Castro, N. (2015). Using network science in the language sciences and clinic [PDF]. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 17, 13-25.
Vitevitch, M.S. (2014). Network Science as a method of measuring language complexity [PDF]. Poznań Studies in Contemporary Linguistics, 50, 197-205.
Vitevitch, M.S., Goldstein, R., Siew, C.S.Q. and Castro, N. (2014). Using complex networks to understand the mental lexicon. Yearbook of the Poznań Linguistic Meeting, 1, 119-138.
Goldstein, R. & Vitevitch, M.S. (2014). The influence of clustering coefficient on word-learning: how groups of similar sounding words facilitate acquisition. Frontiers in Language Sciences, 5, 01307 [Open Access]
Vitevitch, M.S., Chan, K.Y. & Goldstein, R (2014). Using English as a Model Language to Understand Language Processing. In N. Miller & A. Lowit (eds.) Motor Speech Disorders A Cross-Language Perspective. Multilingual Matters. pp. 58-73.
Vitevitch, M.S., Storkel, H.L., Francisco, A.C. Evans, K.J. & Goldstein, R. (2014). The influence of known-word frequency on the acquisition of new neighbors in adults: evidence for exemplar representations in word learning [PDF]. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience, 29, 1311-1316.
Vitevitch, M.S. & Goldstein, R. (2014). Keywords in the mental lexicon [PDF]. Journal of Memory & Language, 73, 131-147. In the news
Vitevitch, M.S., Chan, K.Y., Goldstein, R. (2014). Insights into failed lexical retrieval from network science [PDF]. Cognitive Psychology, 68, 1-32.
Vitevitch, M.S, Sereno, J., Jongman, A., and Goldstein, R. (2013). Speaker Sex Influences Processing of Grammatical Gender. PLOS ONE 8(11): e79701. doi:10.1371/ journal.pone.0079701 In the news 10-minute-video
Vitevitch, M.S. & Storkel, H.L. (2013). Examining the acquisition of phonological word forms with computational experiments [PDF]. Language & Speech, 56, 491 - 527.
Vitevitch, M.S. & Donoso, A (2012). Phonotactic probability of brand names: Id buy that! [PDF] Psychological Research, 76, 693-698. In the news
Vitevitch, M.S., Chan, K.Y. & Roodenrys, S. (2012). Complex network structure influences processing in long-term and short-term memory [PDF]. Journal of Memory & Language, 67, 30-44.
Stamer, M.K. & Vitevitch, M.S. (2012). Phonological similarity influences word learning in adults learning Spanish as a foreign language [PDF]. Bilingualism: Language & Cognition, 15, 490-502.
Vitevitch, M.S. (2012). What do foreign neighbors say about the mental lexicon? [PDF] Bilingualism: Language & Cognition, 15, 167-172. In the news
Vitevitch, M.S., Stamer, M.K. & Kieweg, D. (2012). The Beginning Spanish Lexicon: A Web-based interface to calculate phonological similarity among Spanish words in adults learning Spanish as a foreign language [PDF]. Second Language Research, 28, 103-112.
Vitevitch, M.S. & Donoso, A. (2011). Processing of indexical information requires time: Evidence from change deafness [PDF]. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 64, 1484-1493.
Vitevitch, M.S., Ercal, G. & Adagarla, B. (2011). Simulating retrieval from a highly clustered network: Implications for spoken word recognition. Frontiers in Language Sciences, 2, 369. [Open Access]
Chan, K.Y. & Vitevitch, M.S. (2010). Network structure influences speech production [PDF]. Cognitive Science, 34, 685-697.
Arbesman, S., Strogatz, S.H. & Vitevitch, M.S. (2010). The Structure of Phonological Networks Across Multiple Languages [PDF]. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 20, 679-685. [Harvard Magazine]
Arbesman, S., Strogatz, S.H. & Vitevitch, M.S. (2010). Comparative Analysis of Networks of Phonologically Similar Words in English and Spanish. Entropy, 12, 327-337. [Invited article for special issue on Complexity of Human Language and Cognition guest edited by Ramon Ferrer i Cancho.] [Open Access]
Chan, K.Y. & Vitevitch, M.S. (2009). The Influence of the Phonological Neighborhood Clustering-Coefficient on Spoken Word Recognition. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception & Performance, 35, 1934-1949. [PDF version]
Vitevitch, M.S. & Stamer, M.K. (2009). The influence of neighborhood density (and neighborhood frequency) in Spanish speech production: A follow-up report. University of Kansas, Spoken Language Laboratory Technical Report, 1, 1-6. [KU ScholarWorks]
Vitevitch, M.S., Stamer, M.K. and Sereno, J.A. (2008) Word length and lexical competition: Longer is the same as shorter [PDF]. Language & Speech, 51, 361-383.
Vitevitch, M.S. (2008). What can graph theory tell us about word learning and lexical retrieval? [PDF] Journal of Speech Language Hearing Research, 51, 408-422. [In the news elsewhere]
Vitevitch, M.S. (2007). The spread of the phonological neighborhood influences spoken word recognition [PDF]. Memory & Cognition, 35, 166-175.
Vitevitch, M.S. & Atchley, R.A. (2006). Language processing: development and change. Language and Speech, 49, 1-2. [Introduction to special issue guest edited by MSV & RAA.]
Atchley, R.A. & Vitevitch, M.S. (2006). Language processing across the life span: New methodologies to study old questions [PDF]. Brain & Language, 99, 224-225. [Introduction to special issue guest edited by RAA & MSV.]
Vitevitch, M.S. & Stamer, M.K. (2006). The curious case of competition in Spanish speech production [PDF]. Language & Cognitive Processes, 21, 760-770. [List of Stimuli used in the experiment]
Vitevitch, M.S. & Luce, P.A. (2005). Increases in phonotactic probability facilitate spoken nonword repetition [PDF]. Journal of Memory & Language, 52, 193-204.
Vitevitch, M.S. & Rodriguez, E. (2005). Neighborhood density effects in spoken word recognition in Spanish [PDF]. Journal of Multilingual Communication Disorders, 3, 64-73.
Vitevitch, M.S. & Luce, P.A. (2004). A web-based interface to calculate phonotactic probability for words and nonwords in English [PDF]. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, and Computers, 36, 481-487.
Vitevitch, M.S. , Armbruster, J. & Chu, S. (2004). Sublexical and lexical representations in speech production: Effects of phonotactic probability and onset density [PDF]. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition, 30, 514-529.
Vitevitch, M.S. (2003). The influence of sublexical and lexical representations on the processing of spoken words in English [PDF]. Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics, 17, 487-499.
Vitevitch, M.S. & Sommers, M.S. (2003). The facilitative influence of phonological similarity and neighborhood frequency in speech production in younger and older adults [PDF]. Memory & Cognition, 31, 491-504.
Vitevitch, M.S. (2003). Change deafness: The inability to detect changes in a talker's voice [PDF]. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 29, 333-342.
Vitevitch, M.S. (2002). Naturalistic and experimental analyses of word frequency and neighborhood density effects in slips of the ear [PDF]. Language and Speech, 45, 407-434.
Vitevitch, M.S., Pisoni, D.B., Kirk, K.I., Hay-McCutcheon, M., & Yount, S.L. (2002). Effects of phonotactic probabilities on the processing of spoken words and nonwords by postlingually deafened adults with cochlear implants. Volta Review, 102, 283-302.
Vitevitch, M.S. (2002). The influence of phonological similarity neighborhoods on speech production. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory and Cognition, 28, 735-747. [List of stimuli from Exp. 4]
Vitevitch, M.S. (2002). Influence of onset density on spoken-word recognition [PDF]. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance, 28, 270-278.
Luce, P.A., Goldinger, S.D., & Vitevitch, M.S. (2000). Its good...but is it ART? [PDF] Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 23, 336.
Luce, P.A., Goldinger, S.D., Auer, E.T. Jr., Vitevitch, M.S. (2000). Phonetic priming, neighborhood activation, and PARSYN [PDF]. Perception and Psychophysics, 62,615-625.
Vitevitch, M.S., Luce, P.A., Pisoni, D.B., & Auer, E.T. (1999). Phonotactics, neighborhood activation and lexical access for spoken words [PDF]. Brain and Language, 68, 306-311.
Vitevitch, M.S. and Luce, P.A. (1999). Probabilistic phonotactics and neighborhood activation in spoken word recognition [PDF]. Journal of Memory & Language, 40, 374-408.
Vitevitch, M.S. and Luce, P.A. (1998). When words compete: Levels of processing in spoken word perception [PDF]. Psychological Science, 9, 325-329.
Vitevitch, M.S., Luce, P.A., Charles-Luce, J., & Kemmerer, D. (1997). Phonotactics and syllable stress: Implications for the processing of spoken nonsense words [PDF]. Language and Speech, 40, 47-62.
Vitevitch, M.S. (1997). The neighborhood characteristics of malapropisms [PDF]. Language and Speech, 40, 211-228.
Vitevitch, M. S., Luce, P. A., & Charles-Luce, J. C. (1996). Phonotactic and metrical influences on adult ratings of spoken nonsense words [PDF]. Proceedings of the International Conference on Spoken Language Processing. Philadelphia, PA.